Sunday, June 27, 2010

First Weekend - Silverdocs

I had a wonderful first weekend in DC - I think I did a little bit of everything the city has to offer. Friday night I went out with a few of my fellow interns (and some former interns) to a bar called Big Hunt. It's as cheesy as the name sounds, but they've got Great Lakes on tap, and despite the crowds we got our food quickly. It was great to get to meet some of the other interns.

After that I headed out to Silver Springs for Silverdocs, a documentary film festival. My friend Eric was a volunteer this year, and was able to get me in for free!

Thanks Eric!

We went to a film called Barbershop Punk - a really interesting mix of the feeling of punk and questioning authority and Net Neutrality. Here's a little trailer, if you're wondering how those two things might come together.

The documentary focuses on Robb Topolski, the guy who uncovered how communication companies were restricting their users' service. After the viewing, questions were answered by him and the directors, which was really interesting.

After the movie we were able to go to the sort of VIP room upstairs, hosted by the A/V club.

The party had very animated karaoke, a game room, and an open bar, so naturally everyone was having a lot of fun and was really friendly - I even chatted with a director from Norway about his movie and what he thought of DC.

We then headed back down to the theater to the after party - they had light sabers for people to play with.

All in all, it was a really great night hanging out with friends and people interested in film.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty positive I went to the Big Hunt when I was in DC for the inauguration. Is it slightly jungle themed or something? Warning... their house light beer is natty light.

    MISS YOU!!!! xoxoxo -Sam
